LCD and Plasma TVs are the only type of TV to have in your home. They are not only fashionable but also space savers. Installing televisions on the wall is the perfect place to put them. It opens up some design options in the room and frees up floor space.
There are two most common types of TV wall brackets available in the market are:
• Stationery Style TV Wall Brackets:
As the name suggests they do not move at all. They are low in price and can be easily installed. They hang on the wall just like a picture frame but give good support to your LCD or Plasma TV.
• Swivel Style TV Wall Brackets:
They can be moved from side to side depending on your viewing position. They are costly but are the favoured type since they make it easier to move your LCD or Plasma TV when needed.
When buying TV wall brackets make sure that they fit your TV.