The DVDO VP50Pro could be termed as a video processor designed by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. It comes with a price tag of £2,250, making it truly affordable and allowing a serious home cinema experience.
The VP50Pro could be installed by a professional as part of your wider home cinema installation. It is the best bargain for the features that it offers, plus it is THX-certified quality assured.
The VP50Pro may not exactly be sleek, but it is functional and that is what matters. It has a black body and is only 55m high. It allows many connections. On the left, at the rear panel, for example, you will notice a v1.3 HDMI output (with at least four v1.3 HDMI inputs).
There is a 9-pin serial port that you can use for the purpose of controlling the unit via an automated system. As far as VP50Pro connectivity is concerned, it can be employed as a handy AV switching box and it will reduce cable spaghetti. While you can shove all types of jacks into it, you need just one cable going into your television set.